For me the month of January is a month of cleansing the mind, body and house! Putting away Christmas decorations can feel a little sad, but at the same time it feels like a fresh start. The glass is either half full or empty. Which option do you choose? Perspective is an interesting thing! We have the entire year ahead and there are so many possibilities! As we start 2023 I always like to clear the clutter because it helps me clear my mind. I need order to be creative and forge ahead with a positive mindset.
Getting rid of stuff you don’t use equates to more time to make memories. This includes Phoebe’s toys and accessories. Did you know a Wolfhound has a lot of stuff! I go through her toys and brushes, supplements etc…. Out with the old and in with the essentials is my new motto. I’m also planning to attack my closet one weekend this month. The garage is also a complete mess so that’s a Spring to do for sure.
This time of year is also a planning time for our family. Will we take a holiday or do a house project? I’ve been contemplating a dog walking business for several years and am thinking this is the perfect year to start it. Phoebe is approaching her senior years at age seven this June. It’s crazy how fast giant dogs age. Their life span is 8-10 years at best. We want to cherish every moment and are always thinking of her when we plan our holidays.
I am also motivated to switch up my routine in January. I try not to be too hard on myself about exercise and working out. We have had a particularly bad winter of multiple colds and flus and I have just recovered from a bad bug. I want to enjoy less rushed dog walks and do more exercise I truly enjoy. I absolutely love yoga and try to do that every weekday. I need the meditation and breathing to be calm and present with my busy family.
I want to take Phoebe to different places for walks too. Our trainer always recommended this and it’s something we don’t do enough. We do make a special effort to get her out off-leash daily at our local Fraser River. This can be especially challenging living in a city with a giant, but we make it work. It is often my husband who will take her down to the river at 5:30AM so she can roam free in the dark. She is really different in this environment because she is a hunting breed. It brings out the primal dog in her and she’s often on a scent.
I also like to reassess our eating habits in January and switch up our meals. I feel like December is such an indulgent month that I like to take away something I love in January. This month I’m trying not to eat dairy. A challenge given to me by my youngest son who is twelve. He has to be off dairy for health reasons(anaphylaxis) and I agreed to the challenge. It has definitely been much harder than I thought. Cheese is my favourite thing in the world. However, I do feel much healthier even after ten days.
Lastly, I want to continue to make more meaningful connections with our local community. As a new author, it’s the very thing I’ve enjoyed most about writing a children’s book. Sharing our family’s story has brought me closer to many people around the neighbourhood and world. Yesterday, I was dropping a book off at my eighty-five year old neighbour’s house. I didn’t know them well, but by the time we had a chat I knew their background, how many kids they had, and about their Welsh Terrier dog.
So, this year I encourage you to be authentic, to make changes and shake up your life no matter how old or young you are! I also believe we need a kinder more fun year. Get out and see your family if you’re lucky enough to have them close. Go for coffee with a friend, take the dog on a different walk, do something that makes your heart sing. Make a vision board and say twenty-twenty three will be a good year by golly!
Kind Regards & Woofs,
Celene & Phoebe-Bear